Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Ubiquitous Computing - Developing the new generation of Metasystem and Metadata Visualization for Economic Monetization

We are entering a next phase of the cloud enabled era where the level of interaction led by four mega trends will shape our industry and many others.

Devices ubiquity
New capabilities to use anywhere on any device from table, smartphone

Information Context Aware
The ability to collect, metricize , monitor and platform machine to machine M2M, machine to human M2H telemetry across a wide range of structured, semi-structured and unstructured data

Situation Context Aware
The ability to create new physical and virtual environments with intelligence information an process context from the level large to the very small.

Internet of Things 
The ability to multiplex and multiplicity of entities, assets and services spacing beyond the computing sphere into many other metasystems in social, commercial, organizational, biological and sustainability system

The ramifications of these trends are only becoming apparent. While ubiquitous computing has been a theme for a number of years , the convergence of multiplatform technologies and experiences is only begun to be felt across commercial and social networks; accelerated by the growth of huge public cloud communities and rapid scaling of national level data center and computing infrastructures. Cloud enabled ubiquitous systems is not just a software application centric view of the world riding on the back of greater infrastructure investments and connected space. It's a fundamental shift on hoe economics and monetization works in micro and macro economic marketplaces and user interactions.

Its nothing short of a revolution in the way devices and machine enabled business and social networks can interact to create new business models and added value propositions. The very fabric of infrastructure is becoming interwoven with new ubiquitous ecosystem science that is trans-social, trans-border, trans-global in nature.

Synthesis and model 
How metadata , edge networks and metasystems need to connect across technical, social-societal, economic, socio-political and biological spheres of influence and

Simulate &amp
Test How "live" systems and feedback have enabled a step change in the immediacy and indirectly collection and creation a large data set footprints in the scale of Petabytes and exobyte magnitudes.

 Ubiquitous methods and devices to span individuals, groups, networks and domains of interaction : Places, Spaces, Pads, Boards, Tabs, embedded devices and micro and nano technology creating new experience visualization, metrics and feedback awareness.

Economic Strategies for Cloud enabled Ubiquitous Systems 

Understanding ecosystem dynamics and their potential for monetization requires a focus on micro and macro economic factors.

Macro-economic Drivers 

Monetization Strategy is capabilities that generate revenue in a market (internal market, external market to the enterprise)

These monetization strategies are more focused on macro behaviors and scale of monopolies between participants and geographic locations.

These exist in physical and virtual spaces in digital networks.

Micro Economic Drivers 

These monetization strategies are levers that you can pull or push inside your own company as ways to generate revenue and profitability.

There are also other monetization strategies that consider the environment and ecosystems that you are operating in.

These strategies recognize the behaviors and influences of networks and connected spaces

Differentiators and competitiveness of on-demand offers need to consider both micro and macro economic strategies. Defining sustainable pricing and market channels needs to be aware of how the macro environment works in on-line digital domains and digital markets.

CIEL – Cloud Interactive Ecosystem Language – New Visualization and Monetization approaches 

This session examine the rise of ecosystems in the large and the small scale and their impact on business models and monetization strategies. Central to this will also be the ability to visualize and enable construction of effective ecosystems that take advantage of these new levels of distributed integration and automation.

At the macro level we see different regional entities such as Europe, Asia, Americas and Africa continental markets. How these markets are structures include the convergence of smart cities and smart environments.


This leads to the design of cloud enabled ubiquitous ecosystems

  • Common infrastructure 
  • Core services for cities, organizations, communities, groups, individuals 
  • Dedicated specialist services for task, niche and contextual aware systems. This spans cross-border design and integration issues. 

CIEL enabled constructed Ubiquitous systems 

This enables structures systems design and visualization across multiple ubiquitous environments

CIEL – Cloud enabled Ubiquitous Ecosystems 

Ubiquitous ecosystems involve systems of systems thinking and multiple “smart” systems viewpoints and interactions.

Cloud enabled systems are design and delivered as ecosystems context require a new kind of approach to understanding and visualizing systems design.

  • Technological systems: Devices, networks, compute, systems  
  • Economic and commercial systems – Markets, business processes, demand and supply chains and value networks 
  • Social and societal systems – persona's, connections, citizens, governments, policies 
  • Biological and environmental systems – resources, sustainability, energy , consumption

Takeaways from the Session 

  • Definitions of ecosystems and the role of ubiquitous computing 
  • Different patterns in Cloud enabled Ubiquitous Ecosystem design 
  • Understand how Economics and monetization are affected in ecosystems and the decision processes that come with planning effective use of ubiquitous systems. 

Mark Skilton
 June 2012